Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shows I wish were still on...

I was youtube surfing the other day, and I came across two shows that I loved when I was growing up; Salute Your Shorts and Hey Dude. You may not remember these shows, but they came on Nickalodeon when kids wanted to be slimed and wore side ponytails.

Just in case you have no clue what I'm talking about (and for that I am truly sorry) or maybe you do, but need a reminder:

Even though these shows are wonderful, they will never surpass the greatness, of what is probably the best show ever on television: Saved by the Bell. I'm not talking about the lame Saved by the Bell the New Class, but the one with Zach, Kelly, Lisa, Skreech, Mr. Belding, AC, and Jessie. Because of the level of greatness that the TV show possesses there will be an entire blog deticated to it and it alone at a later date. For now enjoy this montage of great TV shows from the 90s. I wish I would have made it, but sadly I do not know how.

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