Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rachel v Proctor!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shows I wish were still on...

I was youtube surfing the other day, and I came across two shows that I loved when I was growing up; Salute Your Shorts and Hey Dude. You may not remember these shows, but they came on Nickalodeon when kids wanted to be slimed and wore side ponytails.

Just in case you have no clue what I'm talking about (and for that I am truly sorry) or maybe you do, but need a reminder:

Even though these shows are wonderful, they will never surpass the greatness, of what is probably the best show ever on television: Saved by the Bell. I'm not talking about the lame Saved by the Bell the New Class, but the one with Zach, Kelly, Lisa, Skreech, Mr. Belding, AC, and Jessie. Because of the level of greatness that the TV show possesses there will be an entire blog deticated to it and it alone at a later date. For now enjoy this montage of great TV shows from the 90s. I wish I would have made it, but sadly I do not know how.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hey bloggers,

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've blogged!! I have been so caught up in the summer starting. I know it's the middle of June, but it's really starting to feel like summer. In honor of summer let's discuss our favorite things about summer. I'm going to give you my list. Please comment your answers!! Remember these are SUMMER not all time.

Summer Movie: Independence Day, 1996, starring Will Smith
Summer Song: I'm still thinking about this one! There are so many!
Summer Activity: Going to the Astros Game
Snowcone Flavor: Dreamiscle (it's like orange cream)

If you think of any other catagories please add them to the comment board.

I'm working on a video blog. I'll try to get one up this week! Y'all are awesome!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Astros Game pics and the Arm Wars

As promised here are the pictures of us and our signs for the Astros game!

I would also like to address my interns newest blog. It involves some hidden camera shots of me. The first one is a clip of me playing Wii baseball. I would like to add that I was AMAZING at Wii baseball. I played the Homerun Durby and hit like 8 HRs. The next clip is of me practicing my Spanish. I am spending at least an hour a day working on it. Yesterday's lesson was about jobs. The program was teaching us how to say what we do for a living. I would say, "Soy ministra de juventud. Me gusta me trabojo" (I am a youth minister. I like my job). At the point of the video the program was teaching us what to say if you are retired. Which would be, Soy jubilada for me because I am a girl so it would end in an a. In the video I actually end it in an "o" and then correct myself by saying, "no soy chico." I recommend using the Podcast Coffee Break Spanish. It is tought by people from Scotland. I'm kind of worried when I speak Spanish I'm going to have a Scottish accent because I'm learning from people from Escotia (that's how you say Scotland). Here's their web-site:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Astros Game and more

Hey bloggers!

The Astros game yesterday was so much fun. We made awesome posters and cheered on the Astros (there were a few A's fan, but we all can't be perfect). I'll post pictures tomorrow. I forgot my USB cord that uploads the pictures onto the computer. Lo seinto.

I just sent out the Weekly E-mail. If you didn't get it send me your e-mail addess, and I'll add you. Here is the schedule. I don't want to post it all. It is way too long!

June 13
6:00pm-7:30pm Jr High Bible Study
7:30pm-8:30pm Sr High Bible Study

June 14
Noon-12:45pm Wendy’s

June 17
9:45am-10:45am Sunday School
11:00am-12:00pm Big Church

June 19
4:00pm-5:45pm Open Youth Room

I just want to pass one a few web-sites I go to every week; if not every day:

These have some great articles about what it means to be a Christian.

I also podcast
Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seatle
Matt Chandler from The Village Church in Dallas

Both of these Pastors offer fresh, funny, and challenging messages.

Love yall

Don't forget to comment!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Weekend

Hey blog readers!

My weekend, which is actually friday and saturday, was so relaxing. On Friday I did something huge! I turned off my cell phone, computer, and TV (except for the Astros game). I went the whole day without them! I kept wanting to turn my phone on to see if anyone called, but I stayed true and returned my phone calls on Saturday. Next time I'm going to try to do what Andrea Peterson called a Screen Free Day. Meaning I couldn't use anything that has a screen. That would mean no cell phone, no TV, no computer, no IPOD, no DS, and no movies. I was thinking about making it a Youth Challenge; a fasting from Technology experiment. What do you think?

I finished a book I was reading (I have a bad habit of reading like 4 at a time so I was really glad when I finished this one). I played with Tucker, who I hadn't seen all week because I housesat for the Bennetts last week.

I watched the Astros, of course! They won two in a row! This was the first time they have won two in a row since May 15th and 16th when they played the Giants (which is very exciting since I'm not a fan of Barry Bonds). The sad news, though, is that Lance Berkman did get thrown out of a game again, and Hunter Pence and Luke Scott both hurt their hip flexers. I actually didn't know that you could hurt your hip flexer, but apparently you can. It looks like they are both going to miss a game or two which is rough since they are such an important part of the team. sigh.

Anyway, church is about to start so I got to sign off. Have a super Sunday and see you at Chaos at 5pm!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


We have added a new member to our staff. His name is Shenanigans.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer 2007

Summer is off to a great start! We've already had fast food Thursday (this week we're going to Chick-fil-a) and we had a pool party yesterday. Oh and my intern has started. He's ok I guess. hehe. His blog is soo not better than mine.
I ordered that Astros tickets yestday. I am soooo super excited about the game. It will be their first game back since they been on the road. We have like 22 people going. Ew Ew we should make posters for the Astros game!! If you didn't watch the game yesterday you missed out! Lance Berkman hit a two-out double and then was thrown out of the game in the 8th. The manager got thrown out. The benchs cleared after Carlos Lee was hit, and then Luke Scott hit a homerun! It was great.

And be excited we bought a new game for the Wii.
Here is the Weekly E-mail. Read it, know it, love it!

Weekly E-mail

June 6
6:00pm-7:30pm Jr High Bible Study
7:30pm-8:30pm Sr High Bible Study

June 7
Noon-12:45pm Chick-fil-a Lunch

June 10
9:45am-10:45am Sunday School
10:45am-11:00am Make-up Missions Meeting
11:00am-12:00pm Big Church
5:00pm-7:00pm !Chaos!

June 12
5:30pm-10:00pm Astros Game!!! WOOHOO!!


I have got the blog up and running. YAY!! Check it out at (no wwws) Comment on it!! It’s sooo fun!

Intern Proc!!
Proctor Anderson has started! He’s our summer intern. You can e-mail him at or check out his “sweet” blog at internproc.blogspot. com. (no wwws)

Vacation Bible School
Are you interested in helping out with Vacation Bible School? It will be June 19th-22nd. Contact Tiffany Dorman.

Cornerstone Youth T-shirt
To help out with some of the expenses of the summer we will be selling a Cornerstone Youth T-shirt for $15. So buy one for the entire family and all your friends. The t-shirt will be light blue with navy letters.

Mission Trip
Delta Force 2007
We will be going to Helena, Arkansas to do community outreach through VBS and swim lessons with some construction July 14-20. This is going to be an awesome trip. Cost is $150 due June 10rd along with an information meeting at 4pm.

What Chaos? You tell me! Chaos is going to be the name of our Sunday Youth Group (formally known as MYF) It’s name will officially change June 3rd. Here’s where you come in. There is going to be a competition to see what Youth or Youth pair can come up with the best Acronym for what Chaos means. So here’s an example:

5:00pm-7:00pm Sundays

Tuesday Trips
(for all trips away from Copperfield come find me for a sign-up form)
June 12 Astros Game (Cost is $15 and is due June 3rd)
June 19 Open Youth Room/ Pizza Dinner ($2)
June 26 Kickball at LMS
July 3 Pool Party
July 17 Studio Movie Grill
July 24 Splashtown ($34 due July 1st)
July 31 Open Youth Room
August 7 Pool Party
August 14 Open Youth Room
August 21 Galveston ($35 due July 29th)

Bible Studies
Jr High 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Youth Room
Sr. High 7:30pm-9:00pm in the Youth Room

Something for the Heart
In the nineteenth century, the little village of Clapham in England was home to a group of friends who tackled the tough issues of their day. Their opponents called them the "Clapham Sect"—and the name stuck. Many of these friends were ministers or politicians, and one was a playwright. Each person had different strengths and skills, which made for a pretty powerful community. Clapham was beautiful and peaceful—the kind of place you might go to get away from the craziness of life. But things weren't always tranquil in Clapham. As a matter of fact, when certain issues came up, things could get very tense! Members of the sect often discussed the key political ideas of the day. When they disagreed with one another, they debated. But when they agreed, they went out and fought for change together. One issue they agreed on was the abolition of the slave trade. Members of the sect often met together in the home of William Wilberforce or Henry Thornton—two of their leaders—to discuss the issue. As a young man, Wilberforce decided his faith would impact what he did with his life. Fighting slavery became one of his main goals. These friends also shared something else in common: They were all evangelical Christians. Their faith was what motivated them to change things. They weren't satisfied when they knew others were suffering if they thought they had the power to help. They accomplished many things together: sending out missionaries, establishing what we now call Sunday schools, and other efforts to improve society. But they are most known for the abolition of the slave trade. They also worked to develop and support a colony of freed slaves living in Sierra Leone, Africa. The people of Clapham didn't just involve themselves in problems in their immediate neighborhood; they were willing to help people they'd never met, or people who were very different from them. They were like one family, combining their diverse strengths and unified passion to go after what seemed like impossible projects—attacking difficult ills of society with the tenacity of a fleet of battleships. That's often how things get done—a group of friends with different talents and a common goal, working together to accomplish something none of them could do alone. Spend some time thinking and journaling about these questions: * Is your circle of friends filled mostly with people a lot like you? Why? * Think about someone you've met recently who is very different from you. Why might that person be interesting to get to know? What could you learn from that person? * Do you seek out conversations about important issues that impact you or the world, or do you avoid such discussions? How about discussing your faith and how things are going between you and God? * Have you ever tackled something with a community of people? How was the task made easier by working together? Were there ways that working together made it harder? How? * Is it possible to have different groups of friends for different purposes in your life? Explain what that looks like. ** Taken from "Be the Change" by Zach Hunter, copyright 2006, Youth Specialties/Zondervan. Used by permission. Order the book here:
Quotes to make you think
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."- Margaret Mead

Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request to share with the group e-mail it to me and I will put it in this e-mail. If you have a private prayer never hesitate to e-mail it to me. I pray for y’all so let me know how I can specifically pray for you.